With over 20 years building financial projections, I can help you create a robust, detailed 5 year model that will help you raise a successful venture round.
I also have two models you can use for free:
1) An "Ultra Lite" version which is a two-year model, that uses manual input to project cash, and,
2) A Lite version which is a three-year model that adds some automation for various components to more flexibly project your cash needs.
After co-founding multiple venture-backed start-ups in Austin, Texas, plus being certified as a Certified Management Accountant and a Certified Public Accountant, I can review your current financial and accounting systems to ensure accuracy and effectiveness and to establish ongoing procedures.
Since GAAP is the standard that Venture Investors prefer for their portfolio companies, I can help convert company from Cash to GAAP in order to tell a clearer story about you company's performance.
Use my years of experience helping fund and grow venture-backed, tech start-ups to help your company set a foundation to scale.
I can be a knowledgeable sounding board and advisor as you bring on my hires and manage your board of directors and investors.
I can also help you prepare for an exit.
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